SOS with Molly & Alissa

No.128 Red States In the Muck of It w/ Tina Jaramillo & Hillary Dougherty

Episode Summary

Hosts of The Muck Podcast, Tina & Hillary are back! This time to discuss how to fight back against oppressive and dangerous laws when living in a red state. This conversation felt like a warm comforting hug and a reminder of how powerful we are when we band together in our convictions. You'll come away with plenty to ponder as well as tangible action steps you can take in service of bettering this country of ours.

Episode Notes

Hosts of The Muck Podcast, Tina & Hillary are back! This time to discuss how to fight back against oppressive and dangerous laws when living in a red state. This conversation felt like a warm comforting hug and a reminder of how powerful we are when we band together in our convictions. You'll come away with plenty to ponder as well as tangible action steps you can take in service of bettering this country of ours.


Planned Parenthood
National Network of Abortion Funds
Trevor Project

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