SOS with Molly & Alissa

No.122 Adopting The Confidence of A Mediocre White Man w/ Jillian Iscaro

Episode Summary

Director and illustrator Jillian Iscaro joins us to discuss breaking into her industry as a woman of color, and finding her individual voice as a creative without assimilating to stereotypes surrounding what personality type someone in her role is expected to have to succeed.

Episode Notes

Director and illustrator Jillian Iscaro joins us to discuss breaking into her industry as a woman of color, and finding her individual voice as a creative without assimilating to stereotypes surrounding what personality type someone in her role is expected to have to succeed.


Women in Film
Founded in 1973 as Women In Film Los Angeles, WIF advocates for and advances the careers of women working in the screen industries—in front of and behind the camera, across all levels of experience—to achieve parity and transform culture. WIF advocates for gender parity through research, education, and media campaigns. And, they build a community centered around these goals, anchored by their signature events, including the WIF Annual Gala and Female Oscar Nominees Party, along with programs honoring the achievements of women in Hollywood, like the Legacy Series. To learn more and donate, please visit

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